International clan recruits (Winterfell)


Reaction score
international and friendly clan LF some lonely souls who seek shelter. We are a group of friends and currently LF some people who are non-tryhards or other virtual glory seekers.
We'll ofc do some kamas/labas/rbs so we need healers/tanks/dwarfs/dds. But you can play anything you want as long as you are active and cool.)
We are not carebears, but we also think that graphics and gameplay IRL are better. What I mean by that is- since we do not no-life, we will have some middle-clan wars and if lucky and organised, later we'll join a side?

Got a clan hall
Old members are welcome:)
PM me on disc Gunslinger#1152 (need capital G)

*only ENG speaking players
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sooo i'm installing the game and i'm looking for clan. I red it that you are looking only for 40 + but i can can play anything like support or tank and i can fill some needed gap in you clan. I have 8 hours + to play per day and 40 level is not so far after all.