Beast Soulshot/Spiritshot price High


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I am currently lvl 22 DW and was planning to play PS but seeing the Beast soulshot prices made me think that I am going bankrupt.
What I farmed until now adena drop was between 100 - 200 so the summon its useless.
1xBeast Soulshot = 75 Adena
1xBeast Spiritshot = 150 Adena
Even if I reach lvl 40 and I will be able to Summon Mass Soulshot - 40xSoulstone = 11.000 Adena = 300 Beast Soulshots (1 Beast Soulshot = 37 Adena) according to Lineage 2 Improved ( I can't imagine killing mobs with 2 - 3 hits.

So I don't see the summon to be usable.

Maybe I am missing something.

Appreciate useful replies!
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Why would you even farm with summon before 40? Even after 40 nuking is a better option up to a point.
Why would you even farm with summon before 40? Even after 40 nuking is a better option up to a point.
Thanks. Making summoner so I can use all skills because its cool :D. I guess from the get go. Checked wiki for 45/50 lvl mobs same adena drop. maybe wiki is off?