Better way to explain Enchanter's differences


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Hi guys, I know it's not the first thread discussing enchanters, and I think that's because the explanation isn't the best.

Could someone please post a comparison chart showing what skills are exclusive to each buffer and which skills does it end up losing in return?

I believe that would be way more helpful than the current wiki that only shows what all of them share

press WIKI then GERENAL ---> Reworked skills ---> Enchated system : in the bottom Unique SKILLS per class
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press WIKI then GERENAL ---> Reworked skills ---> Enchated system : in the bottom Unique SKILLS per class
Yeah, I've read that, but still not my point. Those are just 3rd class skills.

For example, Prophet has skills like Greater Might and Holy/Dark/Bleed resistance, that other Enchanter classes do not have, but that isn't shown. That is why I suggest having a comparison chart of what every enchanter class has and has not.
Yeah, I've read that, but still not my point. Those are just 3rd class skills.

For example, Prophet has skills like Greater Might and Holy/Dark/Bleed resistance, that other Enchanter classes do not have, but that isn't shown. That is why I suggest having a comparison chart of what every enchanter class has and has not.
All classes have their normal base buffs according to their class + the enchanter skills (which are shown on the wiki overview (wiki-->general--->enchanter system. Enchanter Skill exceptions are also written)
yeah u right , they forgot to put the ressitance buffs like unholy resistance or resist shock maybe they think is a "common knowledge". Greater might and greater shield all the encharters have it and CC is a lvl 56 skill :O